
Today I landed on Spanish Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and I immediately knew what it was and could also recognize its qualities: herbaceous, cineolic, and slightly sweet. it also struck me how much it reminded me of Eucalyptus radiata.
According to Evidence-Based Essential Oil Therapy: The Ultimate Guide to the Therapeutic and Clinical Application of Essential Oils by Dr. Scott A. Johnson, the primary compounds for Spanish Rosemary are:
- 1,8-Cineole 41.6%–52.4%
- Camphor 7.9%–18.9%
- Alpha-Pinene 5.2%–15.8%
- Camphene 3.0%–11.1%
- Beta-Pinene 4.8%–7.5%
- Alpha-Terpineol 0.0%–4.9%
- Borneol 2.6%–4.8%
- Caryophyllene 0.1%–4.2%
and Eucalyptus radiata are:
- 1,8-Cineole 22.4%–74.3%
- Alpha-Terpineol 0.0%–15.2%
- Alpha-Pinene 0.2%–11.9%
- Trans-Pinocarveol 0.0%–4.8%
- Limonene 0.5%–4.5%
I’ve bolded the ones in common.