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About Sufism & Aromatherapy
July 10, 2023 · SufismRead more...Hazrat Ateşbâz-ı Veli (Yûsuf bin İzzeddin/Şemseddin Yusuf) was the cook of Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī (Mevlana/Rumi) and an influential figure in the Mevlevi Order. He died in 1285 AD (the Seljuk era) at the age of 100. His tomb is in Konya, Türkiye. Not only the cook, Hz. Ateşbaz Veli was...October 27, 2021 · Sufism,SinglesRead more...Hi there. It's been a long time since I posted. I found a few more resources to read on the 99 Divine Names, which I wanted to incorporate for Al 'Aziz, and that took some time. This project is such a labor of love - and a work in progress - that I am finding my way through it as I go along. And...More Posts
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